UIA Fellow

2024 Fellows

2024 Fellows Hodnett And Schafer

 Mark Schafer, FUIA - Drexel University, Philadelphia PA and Mark Hodnett, FUIA - NPL, Teddington, UK

(left to right)

2023 Fellow

Margaret 2023

Margaret Lucas, FUIA - University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK


To be elected Fellow of the Ultrasonic Industry Association, a candidate shall have demonstrated outstanding achievements in the field of ultrasonics, or in the management of such activities.  The fellow shall be sponsored, in writing, by at least one Board Member of the Board of Directors. 


Criteria for Eligibility
Criteria for eligibility for the Fellow of the Ultrasonic Industry Association member grade are taken to mean:  having accomplished a step change in the state of the art of ultrasonics engineering and/or science and made significant advancements in either the technology or its commercial practice, bringing significant benefit to society.  The individual must have contributed substantially, however not necessarily exclusively, to any achievement(s) being considered in evaluating her/his value to the profession.  The nominee must be a current member of the UIA, with at least 10 years of cumulative membership and have made a significant contribution to the Society.

Substantial contributions include being an inventor, proprietor, creator or developer of a new concept or a driving force in reducing such to practice, or a recognized leader of such an effort with responsibilities that go beyond the administrative, such that the accomplishment could not have been made without that individual’s dedicated leadership.  

Documents indicating such recognition would include patents, publications, awards, promotions, letters of acknowledgment, elections to prestigious organizations and leadership positions in professional bodies that promote the utilization of the accomplishment for the common good.  It is important that a clear documentation of these contributions be provided to enable even those personally unacquainted with the candidate to arrive at a valid judgment of his/her credentials.

Nominating Process
A current and/or past UIA member [either sustaining or individual] that has been a member of the UIA for a cumulative of 10 years, may be nominated by a current UIA member.  The nomination must include:

  • 1-2 page nomination letter from UIA member, detailing the nominee’s contributions, outcomes and impacts in the area of ultrasonics as well as contribution to the UIA.
  • Full resume of nominee
  • 3 letters of recommendation (not required to be UIA member)

Applications must be submitted by the last Monday of December and must be submitted to uia@ultrasonics.org  as a single PDF file.  The decision on the application will be shared with the nominee by the first Monday in March and any awardee will be notified the first Tuesday in March of the following year.  The award will be formally announced at the following UIA annual meeting.  While not required, it is expected the awardee to attend the conference (waved registration fee).

All fully completed applications will be reviewed by a sub-group of the UIA Board of Directors, consisting of three individuals.  There is no term limit for the sub-committee and the positions are nominated and approved by the UIA Board of Directors.